Sunday, September 2, 2007

Step 4: Where you should place your ads.

This step is basically all about where you should place your ads. I'm
assuming you are using adsense, but it doesn't really matter that
much. Ok, let's start.

As you can (maybe) see, I have ads in three different places. I don't
know if these are 'hotspots', but I do know that there is a chart
which shows you where the hottest zones for ad placements are. I'm too
lazy to link, so you can check yourself by doing a google search for
'adsense heat zones' or something similar. Basically, when you have
found it, it will show that an ad between a post, is very hot. I have
done something similar. Tell me if that's a hotspot :).

Using this chart, you can figure out where the hottest zones are, and
place your ads accordingly. Placing an ad between a post is something
that requires quite a bit of explanation. Unfortunately, I'm posting
this off my phone, and linking and researching is actually impossible.
If you are impatient, do a google search for 'placing adsense between

Hopefully, this post has given you some tips on where to place your
ads. Remember, choose a place where the readers are actually forced to
look at it (as in between a post). Also remember not to violate the
terms of service. The next post will tell you how to place adsense in
the middle of a post. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I actually would like to see that post. Please hurry up with it! :)